Trout Stream Improvement

North Fork Tincup Creek Idaho Based Restoration Phase 2 (ID)

Caribou Targhee National Forest-North Fork Tincup Creek
Project Recipient
Caribou Targhee National Forest

The proposed action is to improve 1.6 miles of North Fork Tincup Creek, beginning one valley mile above the North Fork Bridge (end of previously funded project). We will use natural processes including beaver, natural stream power, and the import of large wood, anchored and unanchored, to store and scour sediment to re-connect the stream to its floodplain as well as provide habitat complexity. The goal is to recreate a willow-dominated valley bottom where water is spread across the floodplain at high flows and in multiple channels across the floodplain at low flows as assisted by beavers. This will create an abundance of fish and wildlife habitat, where such habitat is now limited.