Trout Stream Improvement

Canyon Creek Stream Restoration and Monitoring (MT)

Canyon Creek Stream Restoration and Monitoring (MT)
Project Recipient
Trout Unlimited - MT

Canyon Creek is a tributary of the Shields River outside of Bozeman, Montana, at the northern-most range of Yellowstone cutthroat trout (YCT). Through historic land use practices, an abandoned cement dam, and beaver removal, natural stream function has been disrupted and YCT habitat has been degraded. Trout Unlimited, USGS, and Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, are proposing to restore stream function and YCT habitat through removing the dam and using low-tech process-based restoration (LTPBR) techniques to aggrade the channel and reconnect the floodplain, restore a valley-wide riparian zone, and increase habitat diversity for YCT. This project has been selected for intensive monitoring to identify the effectiveness of LTPBR techniques and the fish response to the restoration and improve our understanding of potential management solutions and strategies to enhance YCT populations and riverscape health.