Trout Stream Improvement

Dell and Jack Creeks Fish Passage(WY)

Dell and Jack Creeks Fish Passage(WY)
Project Recipient
Trout Unlimited

The Dell and Jack Creeks Fish Passage Project seeks to replace and improve multiple irrigation diversion structures and associated irrigation infrastructure on Dell and Jack Creeks in the upper Hoback River. The diversions are used by the Little Jennie Ranch to irrigate pasture and hay meadows for horses and cattle on the 3,000-acre ranch, and act as seasonal barriers to fish passage. Dell and Jack Creeks, and the Hoback River provide important habitat for native Snake River cutthroat trout and other native fish including mountain whitefish, bluehead suckers (Wyoming Species of Greatest Conservation Need), mountain suckers, sculpin, and dace. These diversions have likely reduced passage for migratory fish seasonally since the diversions were implemented in the 1950’s. The projects will reconnect 12 miles of fish habitat on Dell Creek and 6 miles on Jack Creek located on private and Bridger-Teton National Forest (BTNF) lands. In addition to reconnecting quality native fish habitat, the project will benefit water quality through reduced sediment inputs from current diversion structures operation and maintenance and potentially increased water quantity in Dell and Jack Creek by reduced water withdrawals from the ranch.