The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has been working to restore Flat Creek south of Jackson for over five years. One Fly funded the initial design for the study and then habitat restoration work in 2019-2021. Flat Creek in this 1.2-mile section is on private ranch land and has been channelized and straightened in the past, eliminating the normal sinuosity of the original stream channel. They are working to restore form and function of Flat Creek by restoring the sinuosity of the stream back to its original channel, improving riparian zone with vegetation planting, decrease channel width, develop riffles and pools, reconnect the channel with the floodplains and use fencing to exclude cattle access to the stream channel and allow a 100-foot riparian area to recover.
Flat Creek Restoration Phase 3 (WY)
Flat Creek Restoration Phase 3 (WY)
Project Recipient
Wyoming Game and Fish Department
Project Matching Funds
Project JHOF Funding