The Gros Ventre River Research Project will determine the movement patterns and habitat preferences of native cutthroat, non-native rainbow, and hybrid rainbow-cutthroat trout in the lower Gros Ventre River and irrigation ditch environments. The project is designed to answer uncertainties related to limiting factors for native Snake River fine-spotted cutthroat trout, a sensitive species, including the presence of non-native rainbow and hybrid rainbow-cutthroat trout, and the dewatering of a section of the lower river. The research, which will be complied in technical reports, will help resource agencies and Trout Unlimited to prioritize restoration activities in the lower Gros Ventre River. Project partners include Grand Teton National Park, the National Park Service’s Water Rights Branch and Wyoming Game & Fish Department.
Gros Ventre River Research Project
Gros Ventre River Research Project
Project Recipient
Trout Unlimited - Wyoming Water Project
Project Federal Funding (FWS)
Project Matching Funds
Project JHOF Funding
Project Total Funding