The Big Blackfoot Chapter of Trout Unlimited will restore a high quality spring creek capable of maintaining complex habitat suitable to bull trout and fluvial westslope cutthrout trout in the upper Blackfoot River watershed of western Montana. The project will involve the reconstruction of 7,783 feet of the spring creek by narrowing and deepening the channel, increasing stream sinuosity, and placing instream wood and sod mats along the stream banks in order to facilitate recovery of the stream system. This project will remove two undersized culverts that block fish passage and cause channel impairment. Two irrigation diversions will be upgraded to include fish screens. The plan also includes a voluntary landowner agreement who has committed to managing his livestock according to a land management and re-vegetation plan to protect the areas of restoration of his stream banks. This project is strongly supported by the Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks Department and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Lincoln Spring Creek Restoration
Lincoln Spring Creek Restoration