Trout Stream Improvement

Rainey Creek Fish Passage Improvement Project (ID)

Rainey Creek (Tributary to the South Fork Snake River)
Project Recipient
Henry’s Fork Foundation – South Fork Initiative

The South Fork Snake River and its tributaries are home to one of the largest populations of fluvial Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout (YCT) in the native region. The objective of this project is to restore natural stream function and remove a major fish migration barrier on Rainey Creek (tributary to the South Fork Snake River), that would improve upstream access for YCT to over twelve miles of suitable spawning and rearing habitat. In 2022, a full hydraulic assessment was completed and a “Big R“ bridge was identified as the preferred alternative that will significantly improve fish migration during critical times for YCT (upstream adult spawning, downstream juvenile migration). This project would be completed in two phases, with Phase 1 removing the old culvert and replacing it with the Big R bridge and stabilizing one upstream riffle and phase 2 will include modifying the upstream channel and removing an old pond. This project has been identified as the top priority by the Rainey Creek Watershed working group.