Trout Stream Improvement

Snake River Gateways: Connecting People and the River (WY)

Pacific Creek Landing, Jackson Lake Dam, and Moose Landing- GTNP
Project Recipient
Grand Teton National Park Foundation
Project Matching Funds
Project JHOF Funding
Project Total Funding

The Grand Teton National Park Foundation is spearheading a multiyear campaign to transform three popular river access points along the Snake River in Grand Teton National Park (GTNP)—Pacific Creek Landing, Jackson Lake Dam, and Moose Landing. Working in partnership with Grand Teton National Park, this project will address inadequate facilities and stop habitat degradation to better connect people with the river in the heart of Grand Teton National Park.  Currently, Pacific Creek Landing, Jackson Lake Dam, and Moose Landing river access sites in GTNP have bare and compacted soils, eroded banks, damaged vegetation, deteriorated facilities, user-created trails, and poor functionality that fail to foster a sense of stewardship and respect for the river. The goal of the project is to blend access, education, safety, and sustainability to restore habitat and inspire visitors to engage with the river as a spectacular and essential natural resource. Project objectives include functional improvements that prioritize safety and support visitors and recreationists of all abilities, restoration and protection of shoreline habitat at busy river access areas, and educational elements to inspire mindful discovery and stewardship of the river and the fish and wildlife it supports. 

43.8690657, -110.4878674