The South Jackson Flat Creek Channel Restoration project is a multi-year, multi-phase project aimed at restoring the form and function of Flat Creek from downstream of the town of Jackson to its confluence with the Snake River. Previous Jackson Hole One Fly (One Fly) funding enabled completion of 30% designs for restoring 1.4 miles of stream on the Lockhart Cattle Company, which is seen as the second in a series of projects aimed at improving Flat Creek water and aquatic habitat quality drainage-wide. The first such project occurred on the National Elk Refuge and was completed in 2016 with One Fly funding assistance. Successful completion of this project will address elements of several watershed management plans tasked with improving water quality and Snake River Fine-spotted Cutthroat Trout spawning, rearing and holding habitats. The project will improve watershed condition by restoring the creek’s sinuosity, decreasing channel widths and increasing channel depths, reducing bank erosion, removing fish passage barriers, establishing a riparian buffer with a native species composition, density and age class diversity suitable for Flat Creek’s stream type and elevation, and by implementing riparian exclusion fencing and grazing management.
Flat Creek -South Jackson
Project Recipient
Wyoming Game and Fish Department
Project Matching Funds
Project JHOF Funding
Project Total Funding