This project will restore valuable Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout (YCT) habitat, water quality, connectivity, and function in a heavily impacted and highly visible reach adjacent to the Bates Bridge public access. Historic overgrazing of the Hatchet River Ranch property caused the loss of riparian vegetation resulting in streambank instability and widening of the stream channels, loss of quality fish habitat, and water quality impairments. The over-widened channels are unable to transport sediment loads and are currently silted in at
many locations, limiting YCT access to spawning gravels. FTR is partnering with the property owner and the long-time lessee, PK Land and Cattle, to stabilize streambanks, narrow the channel, and plant riparian buffer along 1,600 linear feet of streambank, to improve water quality, instream and riparian habitat, as well as implementing recommended grazing management and livestock watering best management practices within the riparian corridor to address TMDL exceedance for sediment and temperature in the Teton River. This project is part of a larger effort to work with farmers and ranchers to restore agricultural lands adjacent to the Teton River and reconnect healthy habitat that supports native trout utilization and success.